Tuesday, May 27, 2014

And Now, Time for a Different Robert

Another gorgeous young man.  I am not sure if the photo number "RYX-1" means this is the very first MGM portrait of Mr. Young, but it is definitely an early photo.  Guessing 1932, which would make Robert 25 years old at the time. 

In the late 1980s, I was working in an office located in Westlake Village, CA.  I had an account in a bank nearby, convenient for quick runs during my lunch hour.  (This was before computers.  Remember having to physically appear at the bank for your transactions?  Gee, how did we survive back then?!)  On one visit I noticed an old man sleeping in a wing chair in the lobby.  He looked familiar, took a second look and realized it was Robert Young.  Sleeping in a chair in a bank.  A rather strange feeling, looking at a genuine star from the Golden Age of Hollywood sleeping 15 feet away from me.  When I got up to the counter, the bank teller related that this was a common occurrence.  Bob's home was nearby, just a couple blocks and up on a hillside.  But why he was at the bank sleeping ... one of life's mysteries.  I stayed around for a while, hoping he might wake up.  Left when I thought the staff might become concerned about the strange woman lingering in the lobby.  Never saw him again, although there was that hope that I would.  And maybe he would have been awake and I'd see his big smile in person.  That would have been nice. 

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