Thursday, July 25, 2024

Let's Just Sit Back and Enjoy Mr. Powell

 William Powell, b. July 29, 1892. 

  For the Defense (1930), Bill while still at Paramount.

                                  Early MGM, guessing 1934

Bill finds ultimate success and a perfect co-star, Myrna Loy

                                 Ah, the perfect Gentleman!

                 The Senator was Indiscreet (1947), Bill has fun.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

That's Our Bob!

 It is June 20, 1940.  Bob has just returned home after his escape from Paris just days before the fall of Paris to the Germans on June 14th.  It was a long trip.  The photo shows Bob surrounded by reporters hungry for news about the events in Europe.

One tired man.  And, yet, ever so handsome.  That's our Bob!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Happy 125th Birthday, Mr. Cagney! (7-17-1899)

 Boy, 1899 ... that's a long time ago!  And Cagney is still remembered.  Now that's a successful movie career.  

Of course, Mr. Cagney and Mr. Montgomery were close friends, a friendship lasting for almost 50 years.  The following photos, taken during filming of The Gallant Hours (1960), so beautifully show the sincere feelings they had for each other.  It appears it is Cagney's turn to tell the joke ...

... and Bob's turn to laugh at the punchline.  

Yeah, I know the photos have been used a time or two on the blog.  It's just that I enjoy them so much it's always nice to have an excuse to use them.  

Thursday, July 11, 2024


HOLLYWOOD, CALIF.:  Jean Hersholt, America's beloved Country Doctor**, was honored by a group of intimate friends, gathered to pay tribute to the actor on his 25th anniversary as a Hollywood star.  Congratulations were heard from coast to coast as proceedings were broadcast over stations of the Columbia Broadcasting System.  (Below:  L-R) Robert Montgomery, Edward Arnold, Mrs. Jean Hersholt, Jean Hersholt and Edward G. Robinson.  3-11-1938

** Hersholt starred in The Country Doctor (1936) about the Dionne quintuplets, born in 1934 in Canada.     

And Bob and Edward G. in the same photo!  On the same stage!  Who'd a thunk it?

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Robert Montgomery is a Confusing Man.


This Nov., 1931 issue of Screen Mirror is the only one of its kind I have seen.  Really good magazine, perhaps it went away as the Depression grew, too expensive for the average fan.  I'm including some ads which are interesting (and rare!).