Wednesday, September 03, 2014

The Private Life of Bob...Well, Not Exactly

In 1935 a publisher in England put out a series of paperbacks titled The Private Lives of Film StarsAfter books on Garbo, Gable and Shearer, they published No. 4 of the series which featured Robert Montgomery.  The book is 48 pages long, in a 5" x 7-1/2" format and uses a much thicker paper than that found in modern paperbacks.  I point that out because the pages are in remarkably good condition for a 79-year-old paperback.  The cover has the most wear. 

This is primarily a photo book, a photo on every page.  The book reads like a magazine article of the time, including an interview with Bob.  The title aside, there is almost nothing about private Bob, barely mentions he is married, a lot of time spent on pre-Hollywood days and the difficulties getting his movie career started.  The photos are the joy of the book, a number I had not seen before. Attaching a few for your enjoyment.  I'm sure I will be using several others in the blog over time. 

P.S.  The holiday messed me up.  This should have been my Tuesday entry.  (Short-term memory loss is the pits...)  Back to regular programming tomorrow...or at least that's my goal!

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