Modern Screen, 1934 --- Don't they make an attractive pair? Maureen O'Sullivan and Robert Montgomery. They are appearing together in "Hide-Out" for MGM. When the picture was completed, Maureen packed her bags and, escorted by Johnny Farrow, who is probably her husband as you read this, journeyed to her native Ireland. Meanwhile, Bob is still busy spiking divorce rumors. Why, oh why, won't they let the poor boy alone? He seems to be satisfied with things as they are, domestically, socially and otherwise. But the rumor hounds will persist in having their field day. Incidentally, you'll see the young man in "Biography," too, in the near future.
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2 hours ago
Did you ever notice that in pictures of Bob and Betty they rarely looked very happy. Maybe it was the loss of their first child (which would devastate anyone). Maybe they just didn't like having their picture taken. But what pictures there are of Bob and Buffy, they always looked happy.
And by the way, what a beautiful couple Bob and Maureen made. One is as pretty as the other!
Debbie...In agreement once again. In the early shots of Bob and Betty (up to 1931), they're both smiling and looking into each other's eyes. From then on, if either of them are smiling, they're looking at someone else. And they are almost never looking at each other. A very formal relationship, perhaps, at least in public? Bob seemed to save his looks of admiration for bright, young ladies and, decidedly so, for his daughter...but that's another topic!
And, yes, Bob and Maureen were a beautiful couple. In most cases, young Bob is prettier than his co-star, but Maureen was stiff competition.
Maureen was absolutely beautiful .You don't see women like this anymore.
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