For you very early birds ... The Secret Land (1948) is being shown this morning on TCM. Bob is one of the narrators of this documentary, along with Robert Taylor and Van Heflin. I rather enjoy just listening to Bob's voice (a huge plus for The Gallant Hours), but this documentary is hardly early morning fare. Get that taping going and go back to bed!!
TCM is showing Yellow Jack (1938) this coming Monday, another a.m. viewing. It has been ages since I have seen this movie. I had meant to watch it again before writing this post, but ... hey, so I forgot! (I'm amazed I remember to do my twice-weekly posts!) Anyway, critics knock the movie for inserting a fictional love interest in a semi-historical movie, which was unfortunately typical of the time. And, of course, Virginia Bruce's mascara was not permitted to run, even though the movie is based in the tropics. Then there's the criticism of Bob's Irish brogue, suggesting it was over-the-top and unnecessary for the role. I would argue an Irish-American soldier in 1898 would most likely have one, but whether Bob's was good or not, I have to admit to a bad ear for accents. I just enjoy hearing that voice.
It is too bad movie heralds are no longer a part of the moving-going experience. They made great souvenirs and were an interesting art form, summing up a movie in such a small format. Note the header of the above page: "The Strangest Tale of Terror And Mystery Ever Lived By A Man and A Girl!" Your basic Hollywood hyperbole!
TCM Star of the Month: Barbara Stanwyck
3 hours ago
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