Thursday, February 13, 2025

Harlow, Loy, Asta and Bill

 There are a number of absolutely gorgeous photographs of William Powell available for purchase.  Unfortunately, there are plenty of admirers of Mr. Powell who seem to have an unending source of money, or at least that is how the photos are priced.   I am not one of those lucky, lucky people.

I can afford the occasional substitute.  Rather than an 8x10 photo, a 4x5 works just fine ... if you deal with scans a lot.  And even 4x5's are getting rarer.  The Bill/Jean Harlow photo below may not be in the greatest shape, but their sexy pose distracts from the image loss.

Another 4x5, this time with Myrna Loy.  All Bill and Myrna photographs are great, no matter the size or condition of the print.

Or, you could pick up a reprint.  Reprint quality ranges from pathetic to it's impossible to tell the difference from an original.  I'd describe this one as being mid-range.  Well, Asta looks pretty good.

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