Thursday, February 27, 2025

The Third Elizabeth Montgomery in Bob's Life

An interview with Elizabeth (Liz) Montgomery, as it appeared in the August 19-25, 1962 issue of  TV Guide.  

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Almost Perfect

 Another nifty photo of Mr. Montgomery.  It is printed on double-weight photo paper with a matte finish.  Really nice, even if the signature is not an original.  Almost perfect.  

It is unusual for a double-weight photo to have a pre-printed signature.  It appears the photo was used as the master photo for this postcard.  Same photo, just tilted a bit.  Still nifty.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Happy Birthday (2 Days Early) Mr. President!

 I was not very happy when the Feds took away our national holiday celebrating George Washinton's birthday.  And then to switch to a "President's Day" so George is bunched in with the likes of Warren G. Harding ... I mean, really?  George deserves a celebration of his birth.  And the same goes for Abraham Lincoln.  That'll do it.  Federal employees get enough days off as is.  

I plan on a cherry pie on Saturday.  

                        George Washington, b. February 22, 1732

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Oh, So Suave and Debonair

 ... and a tailor-made scene-stealer.  Adolphe Menjou was born February 18, 1890, in of all places, Pittsburgh, PA.  He was fluent in six languages and had perhaps the largest wardrobe in the movies.  

Bob wore that same hat numerous times.  Gorgeous piece of attire.  Too bad classy hats are no longer in style.  Replaced by ballcaps.  Menjou (and Bob) are cringing.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Harlow, Loy, Asta and Bill

 There are a number of absolutely gorgeous photographs of William Powell available for purchase.  Unfortunately, there are plenty of admirers of Mr. Powell who seem to have an unending source of money, or at least that is how the photos are priced.   I am not one of those lucky, lucky people.

I can afford the occasional substitute.  Rather than an 8x10 photo, a 4x5 works just fine ... if you deal with scans a lot.  And even 4x5's are getting rarer.  The Bill/Jean Harlow photo below may not be in the greatest shape, but their sexy pose distracts from the image loss.

Another 4x5, this time with Myrna Loy.  All Bill and Myrna photographs are great, no matter the size or condition of the print.

Or, you could pick up a reprint.  Reprint quality ranges from pathetic to it's impossible to tell the difference from an original.  I'd describe this one as being mid-range.  Well, Asta looks pretty good.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

I Never Could Blow a Decent Smoke Ring

All you need for an ad is a pack of cigarettes and an actor who is just a bit of a ham.  The pack of Lucky Strikes on the desk, a perfectly formed circle of smoke heading for the pen ... will the ring make it or dissipate before it can encircle the pen?  I like the phone not having a cord.  You wouldn't want it to distract from the smoke ring.

            Robert Montgomery Presents Your Lucky Strike Theatre

Thursday, February 06, 2025

"Cardboard Lover": To Pretend To Be In Love --- I didn't know what that was either!

 A nice painting made for the 1928 silent, The Cardboard Lover.  It appears to be one of a series printed as a 5x7 fan card.  Quite the expensive ad campaign for a B&W 1928 movie.  Of course, it was a Cosmopolitan produced film and William Randolph Hearst always saw that Marion Davies got only the best treatment in her career.   Anyway, Nils and Marion make a handsome couple.  

        Marion Davies & Nils Asther in The Cardboard Lover (1928)

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

He Just Couldn't Get a Break

 Poor Silky.  Everything's going great, and then ...  

A bootlegger with a gun phobia.  I like the concept.  And the look on his face after the confrontation with Doc Ramsey (Edward Arnold), the dead guy.  

The Earl of Chicago (1940) is available to stream on TCM until March 2nd.