Tuesday, March 19, 2024

I Don't Think I Could Maintain Silence for a Year

 When it's 2:25 a.m. and you just remember you need to do a post, it's always nice to have a friend to go to.  Well, I feel like Bill Powell would be my friend and be there to help out in trying times.  

Mr. Powell was a handsome guy at the age of 63.  As he was at any age, of course.  Great smile.  

                        William Powell in Mister Roberts (1955)

Oh, in reference to last week's "small fib" post ... This is the last sentence of the column:  "He is six feet tall, weighs 160, has brown hair and blue eyes, and is unmarried."  Having brown hair and blue eyes is the correct part of the sentence.  Later he would claim to be 6' 1", but 6' 0" may be correct.  He's always described as being 160 lbs., but his weight varied quite a bit.  160 seems rather high for a 6-foot waif like he was in 1929.  However, it's the "...and is unmarried" part that's a rather sad outright fib --- hard for me to say "lie".  Poor Betty, having to not exist for most of a year.  Quite the sacrifice for a young wife. 

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