Tuesday, October 24, 2023

I'll Guess Bette Takes a Swing at Bob ...

 Going from a posting on how nice the photos could be on small trade/cigarette cards, to photos clipped from newspapers/magazines that one can hardly make out.  For example, in the clipping below, the heading mentions Liz Harkness.  But I have to disagree ... it just isn't Buffy.  I've decided the info is associated with another photo on the page, that the lady is really Joan Harrison, Bob's producer for Ride the Pink Horse (1947) and Once More, My Darling (1949).  Bob liked Joan, so you can't go by the way he's looking at her, smile and all.  What d'ya think?  

And this is a scene from the May 9, 1955 production of "The Great Gatsby" on Robert Montgomery Presents.  I'm assuming that's our Bob portraying Gatsby on the far right.  That is Phyllis Kirk playing Daisy.  And one of the other gents is Lee Bowman, probably sitting next to Phyllis.  

And there is no questioning who the three people are below:  Bob (with a smirk), George Murphy (the cause of the smirk), and Bette Davis who is trying to decide which guy she'll slap.  What a trio.

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