Thursday, February 02, 2023

Audrey, the Cat Lady of Joliet

 Ms. Totter, one of my favorite actresses.  I greatly admire her for her performance in Lady in the Lake (1946), having to look at the camera while assuming unusual positions.  And to work with an inexperienced director to boot.

Mr. Montgomery had this thing for small glass figurines.  Looks like he has gifted her with, I'm guessing, two kitties.  

And Audrey is holding an even smaller kittie. 

There are five telephones on Totter's table, ID'd as Philadelphia, Burbank, New York, Joliet and London.  Wait, one of those cities doesn't fit in with the others ... Joliet?  I looked up Ms. Totter on IMDB.  Appears she was born in Joliet, IL.  A Cute in-joke for her behalf.  

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