Wednesday, February 17, 2010

More Bob From WB

The Warner Archive has announced a new batch of DVD-on-demand releases, and two are early Robert Montgomery films:
My copy of College is like looking through eyeglasses smeared with Vaseline - this has to be an improvement.


Raquel Stecher said...

I have Love in the Rough (taped from TCM) but am excited for it to be on DVD. I'm also excited about So This is College and added it to my Classicflix queue.

I just watched The Big House (1930) and wrote a post about it. Warner Home Archive is doing wonders for Montgomery movie availability!

Carrie said...

It's odd to see WB releasing MGM movies. Sure, there's all the ownership things that have happened over the years - but it still sounds odd to say Montgomery and WB.

Anonymous said...

I haven't been on in a while and I have missed it. I miss the Bob digging days. I am always happy to see more movies being added, some I wonder why they are adding them and then others why they haven't. Looking forward to Norma and Bob in The Divorcee soon. If you haven't read about some of the stuff behind it, it makes a good read.

Philip Marlowe said...

Carrie, I credit you for getting me to break out of my irrational fear of the WB Archive stuff. Well, that and my glacier-like move towards maturity. I figure that I'm missing out on entirely too much and I sprung for the Robert Benchley 3-disc set.

Got a coupon from WB Shop today and it's already burning a hole in my hard drive...too bad they don't sell When Ladies Meet (1933).

Carrie said...

I just posted on your blog but I'm not sure it made it. Yup, got the coupon just today also for my purchase. They also sent me a b-day discount coupon!

We can complain about the quality, but they can all together roll up the operation and offer nothing as an option as well. I'll take this one!