Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Guide to the Difference Between George and Robert

It has come to the attention of this blogger that some folks are getting George Montgomery and Robert Montgomery confused. So, in a public service effort to help, below are some key facts to consider when asking yourself "George or Robert?"

Bob - Blue
George - Brown

Bob - Elizabeth Allen, Buffy Harkness
George - Dinah Shore

Television Show
Bob - Robert Montgomery Presents
George - Cimarron City

Bob - Elizabeth (famous)
George - Melissa (not so famous)

Military Service
Bob - Naval Reserve
George - Army Air Corps

Woodworking Skills
Bob - None that I'm aware of
George - Master craftsman

Bob - Polo
George - Cowboy

Attempted Murders
Bob - Late 1930s: Bomb found in a Screen Actors Guild car he was in
George - 1963: Fangirly housekeeper tries to kill him

Walk of Fame Stars
Bob - 2 (TV & Film)
George - 1 (TV)

Pop quiz: can you tell who's who below?




Anonymous said...

LOL - I think this'll help clarify who's who, lol - and of course A. is our darling Bob and B. is the other Mr. Montgomery, lol - didn't know someone tried to kill our darling Bob, eep!

Carrie said...

Ha, ha - you made it past the trick question :0)

I'll have to see what other dirt I can dig up on he murder attempt.

Anonymous said...

Finally the Montgomery's are separeted! Bob's cowboy is such a funny contrast to George's. Good thing he stuck with the polo.

la peregrina said...

Plus, Robert Montgomery is the one who's first name is not same as the one he was born with while George Montgomery is the one who's last name is not the same as the one he was born with. Does that help? ;)

Carrie said...

Technically, Bob was born with the name - just in the middle, but I hear ya!

Allison said...

Murder attempt?? 😬

Carrie said...

Oh man, I can't even remember the murder story now...getting old :0)