Friday, December 15, 2006

Fast and Loose Photo Fridays

I'd make it a recurring theme if I had more pics from that movie (it sounds so good)...

Well, we got out of Nolan's alive tonight . . . Robert Montgomery compliments himself and Rosalind Russell in this scene for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's "Fast and Loose," produced by Frederick Stephani and directed by Edwin Marin.

Larger photo here.

1 comment:

Philip Marlowe said...

A search for these Joel and Garda Sloane movies is what led me to your site! I had planned on doing some kind of entry on the films, and lo and behold your blog has proven to be *the* locale for all photos from this series. I'm asking permission to use the photos (not hotlinking, mind you; but using my own Picassa space). It may be awhile before I get the piece done, since I don't have the movies...anyway, thanks!