Saturday, June 27, 2009

Speaking of Fan Letters...

Robert Montgomery, juvenile player who has forged ahead and developed a tremendous fan following, with his work in "The Divorcee" and "The Big House," is said to receive toe largest volume of mail at the M-G-M studio. Some of it comes wrapped up on stocks, such as the letter Montgomery is now trying to decipher from Persia.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Still Around, But It's (Finally) Summertime

Summer has finally arrived in this neck of the woods. As a result, blogging will slow down in order detach myself from the computer and enjoy the warmth.

Watch for tidbits here & there, such as this from The Modern Screen, January 1931. You know you want to write a letter...

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

So Much Better Than Mickey...

Donald Duck. On this date in history back in 1934, he made his film debut in The Wise Little Hen. Congratulations, rock!

Friday, June 05, 2009

The Campus Vamp

Here's your "mystery" for the week - which isn't really a mystery, but more of a "Where's Waldo" type search. Carole Lombard stars in this early color short from 1928, but what other favorite actor from this blog (minus Montgomery) appears as well?

Thanks to Maria for forwarding on!