If you haven't seen Holiday, I highly recommend it. It's classic screwball Cary - he does some physical comedy that would probably break a neck or a leg if you or I tried it. Lew Ayres is also a fun watch as the family drunk.
I laughed out loud when I read this Time Magazine "Letter to the Editor." From October 2, 1950:
Congratulations to Kirkpatrick, Schultz, el al., for their courageous attack on Miss Jean Muir. They are setting a noble example for all patriotic Americans, which I, for one, am going to follow.
The first on my personal black list is Robert Montgomery. He is a Republican, and next to Socialists, Baptists and jugglers, I hate Republicans. I have positive inside information that these dangerous subversives are trying to overthrow our Government. Giving up Mr. Montgomery is a considerable sacrifice, because he is a fine actor . . .
My two friends, who also hate Republicans, and I are oiling up our mimeograph. If 20 telegrams can get rid of Jean Muir, we can promise that six months from now our televisions will be darkened only by Democrats, and Democrats of the right race, color and religion. We hate lots of people besides Republicans. Some actors may deny our charges, but that won't help them. We don't have to prove anything. All we have to do is write letters and telegrams and make telephone calls to sponsors . . .