The Divorcee (1930) is available to stream on TCM until March 31st. Not a bad movie for its time, well Bob's role could have been larger. I watched Broadway Melody the other night which was the 1930 winner of the Oscar for Best Picture, and no way as good as The Divorcee. The studios learned very fast how to make a talkie.
Bob, Chester Morris and Norma Shearer in The Divorcee (1930)Tuesday, March 04, 2025
Thursday, February 27, 2025
The Third Elizabeth Montgomery in Bob's Life
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Almost Perfect
Another nifty photo of Mr. Montgomery. It is printed on double-weight photo paper with a matte finish. Really nice, even if the signature is not an original. Almost perfect.
It is unusual for a double-weight photo to have a pre-printed signature. It appears the photo was used as the master photo for this postcard. Same photo, just tilted a bit. Still nifty.
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Happy Birthday (2 Days Early) Mr. President!
I was not very happy when the Feds took away our national holiday celebrating George Washinton's birthday. And then to switch to a "President's Day" so George is bunched in with the likes of Warren G. Harding ... I mean, really? George deserves a celebration of his birth. And the same goes for Abraham Lincoln. That'll do it. Federal employees get enough days off as is.
I plan on a cherry pie on Saturday.
George Washington, b. February 22, 1732Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Oh, So Suave and Debonair
... and a tailor-made scene-stealer. Adolphe Menjou was born February 18, 1890, in of all places, Pittsburgh, PA. He was fluent in six languages and had perhaps the largest wardrobe in the movies.
Bob wore that same hat numerous times. Gorgeous piece of attire. Too bad classy hats are no longer in style. Replaced by ballcaps. Menjou (and Bob) are cringing.