Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Lost in Bakersfield

What day is this?  Where am I?  What happened to Tuesday?  Have I been spending too much time "out in the midday sun?" 

Sorry ... regular programming will return Thursday.  That is tomorrow, right? 


  1. Robert Fithen5/27/2015 12:06 PM

    You'll want to get out of the sun and find a TV. Warner Archive just announced "June Bride" coming to DVD, fittingly, in June!

  2. Who the hey is that? George Sanders came to mind first, but no...

  3. Thanks, Robert...I missed the June connection! Duh. Are you all set to see/tape "Piccadilly Jim?" June 2nd is almost here!

    Carrie!!! It's Noel Coward, who sang/wrote "Mad Dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun." You're right, I could have added a bit more info about the reference.

  4. Robert Fithen5/28/2015 10:10 PM

    Absolutely! Haven't seen that one yet.
