Thursday, May 21, 2015

Henry "Robert" Montgomery, Jr. Day

And what does a 31-year-old Bob Montgomery buy for himself on his birthday....why a miniature airplane, of course?!  Hey, he could have afforded a real one, so give him points for trying not to over do it in the middle of the Depression.  He had it handmade by fellow actor Reginald Denny, who built it according to Bob's specifications ... another area of expertise for our Bob, Hollywood's Renaissance man. 

1935 ... 80 years ago.  But he feels so real to me.  That's one of the great things about movies.  The screen actors live forever, always accessible on our DVDs, on our computers (and yes, a few of us still have them captured on VHS!)  Bob will always be there to be appreciated as an old friend, or discovered anew by future fans.  It is all rather comforting. 

As is the appropriate way of celebrating his birthday, I will be watching a couple of his movies during the day.  I certainly hope that you will be able to, as well.  Have not yet decided which ones.  I find it better to go with the mood I am in at the time.   And whatever mood that is, it will be improved after I have spent time with the man.

So, Happy Birthday, Mr. Montgomery. Thank you, ever so much.

(And to get you in the proper mood for remembering Bob on his day, give "The Optimist" another viewing.)


  1. I wonder what his bday cakes were like. I'm hungry now :)

  2. Robert Fithen5/22/2015 3:01 AM

    I watched "Ever Since Eve" since it was recently on RCM and I had it on DVR. Also "Our Blushing Brides" for the sheer randomness of it. The real celebration for me will be June 1 when TCM shows "Piccadilly Jim", a movie that's always eluded me, now I'll finally get to see properly.

  3. Robert - Right, Piccadilly Jim on the 1st, followed by Trouble for Two. Two fun ones. Haven't seen Eve in ages, will have to rectify that soon. I watched Mystery of Mr. X yesterday. Seemed even better than the time before. Also watched first part of The Gallant Hours, which is a favorite of mine...all the young sailors at attention, the naval choral music and then the narration by Bob. Just great.

    Carrie - I can just see that big boyish grin on his face after blowing out the candles.
