Thursday, December 08, 2011

Top Hat Taylor

Just love the composition on this one with the hat. Uh oh, I'm getting technical.


  1. No you're not. Photography is an art form. Subject and composition make or break a photo. This one is great! Lit very nicely too.

  2. How about a beautiful photo of a beautiful man?

    Montgomery DVD Collection update: is offering it for $40.94, including shipping, with a 12/13 release date. (Search for RM Colelction, 'tis misspelled on the site.)

    Love the new header, Carrie. I can't place the photo, guessing June Walker, but the photo doesn't seem appropriate for War Nurse. Do tell...

  3. Warner site still says 12/6 as the release date...still waiting for my set! I saw someone trying to sell it on ebay the other day for $90!

    Header...1929 w/Raquel Torres (who I don't know who is off hand....
