Wednesday, July 21, 2010


OK, why is it again that Ray movies are hardly on TV? Never mind, I think I know. Just venting.

Many thanks to Carrie for sending me a copy of I Wanted Wings. Believe it or not, it was missing from the collection!

And finally, anyone have a high-res version of the below image they can share? I think it's safe to say that's in my top 10 favorite classic photos.


  1. You got a copy of I Wanted Wings?! Amazing! I've been wanting to see that for years but I've never been able to find it. I hope it's as good as it looks.

  2. It's queued up to watch! Drop me a post if you want a copy.

  3. Really? That would be fantastic! But I don't quite feel right about this. Can I pay you for it... or is there a movie you've been looking for? I might have it and I'd be happy to send it to you.

  4. Amanda - drop me a line: carrie at classicmontgomery dot com

  5. I love that William Walling photo shot too :)) The only thing I can offer to you is a version I have laborated on, there was some nasty text on it, you know. LOL. But I think the final result is quite good. I have used it for the background of my YT channel.

    Any idea what might have happened to simplyclassics and doctormacro? Can't reach the sites for quite some time and they were always kind of a treasure ground.

  6. I'll bet that background was where I saw the sharper image! I'll drop you an email!

    I noticed Dr. Macro was down over the weekend. Hopefully it's temporary - I was there last week.

    SimplyClassics...that site has always been up and down. I think the owner finally gave up and moved on. I'm glad I saved what I did.
