Monday, July 12, 2010

Finest Beer I Ever Tasted!

I've noticed that a couple of blogs I read have been posting advertisements with classic stars. I have to add my contribution to the mix:

From 1948. Too bad Relentless didn't have a plot similar to The Lost Weekend. There'd be an odd movie tie-in.

See the others at:
I'll have to do some more digging to see what I can find....


  1. I was sad to read on Wiki that he had suffered from depression and alcoholism. Don't know how accurate that is however.

  2. I remember hearing about depression, but not alcoholism - then again, I haven't read that much on his life. Sad...

  3. isn't that sweet =) haha I love to see these old ad's!

    Nice blog! I have just created mine =)

  4. Thanks for stopping by and congrats on the new blog! I'll have to check it out!

  5. Thanks for the links to the other ads, Carrie. Fascinating stuff. I don't know which was the most outlandish, Dorothy Lamour's hair in the RC Cola ad or Rosalind Russell's hat in the Chesterfield cigarette ad. :)
