Friday, December 05, 2008

Photo Friday: Life With Cotten

Today's Photo Friday takes a slightly different slant, highlighting photos from the Life magazine collection. The below are from the excellent Shadow of a Doubt.

If I may add a small editorial comment, how in the world did Joe get bumped from the cover of TCM's Dec. magazine for Herbie the Love Bug?


  1. These are sweet pictures!

  2. Big Joseph Cotten admirer here! Despite his timeless acting style, these days his "unconventional" looks would make it hard for him to get past past the studio for an audition. The era sure had an embarrassment of riches, didn't it?

  3. Dex - you comment made me wonder. What talent are we missing today due to the "unconventional" filter!?

  4. I love to see the old character actors who only "stumbled" into acting after having worked as steelworkers, boxers, oil field workers, etc. I don't think someone like, say, Charles Bronson looked in the mirror at age 12 and said, "I want to be a movie star!" He was too busy preparing for his next shift in the coal mine.
