Saturday, December 06, 2008

401k vs. Movie Collectibles

Profiles in History has a massive auction coming up Dec. 14 and has posted an ton of really neat (technical term) items for viewing on ebay. I'll tell you, the four drawer metal file cabinets full of stills really has my interest. I'm sure they went through them first to weed out the nice items, but that whole "grab bag" idea gets your imagination going. Shipping will be murder, I'm sure. As hinted to in this post's title, collectibles just might be doing better right now in value than my retirement.

Now it wouldn't be a Classic Montgomery post without mentioning there are some sweet Bob Montgomery photos up for sale. In addition to Hurrell portraits, stills from films such as No More Ladies, Untamed, Letty Lynton, When Ladies Meet, and Our Blushing Brides, Faithless are up for grabs.

If you go digging, I recommend checking out ebay and also Profile's Web site at I've noticed for some lots, additional or different photos are on their Web site vs. ebay (and vice versa).

Oh, and one more hint, hunters. Search for film titles or co-stars to your fav. films - you'll find more.

Joan representing fangirls worldwide

A Hurrell from Faithless (also a Picture in Picture topic)

Just Joan


  1. Ooooh, if I had money, I'd be buying from there like crazy!
