Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Betcha Betty Didn't Brush his White Bucks!

 Gorgeous young man.  Dashing ... the white slacks and shoes, the (probably) blue blazer and open collared white shirt.  Just too much.

But what's with the pose, Bob?  Your leg raised high, using a fire hydrant as a prop ... were you thinking of Louis B.? 


  1. The Louis B Mayer comment cracked me up ������

  2. Thank you for letting me know, Allison. The only live audience I have when I write my posts, is a cat. She hasn't laughed once. (Sorry 'bout that. It has been a very long day.)

  3. It has been a long week! I think Bob once told Mayer that if Mayer were younger he would have punched him?

  4. Yes, and during contract negotiations, so it has been said. They did not like each other, for sure
