Tuesday, October 19, 2021

And the Cutest Couple Ever Is ...

 Yes, another publicity still of Bob and Maureen O'Sullivan for Hide-Out (1934).  And, yes, they are a remarkably good-looking couple.  But ... there is a shade of difference.  Can you see it?

Bob is talking.  He has made Maureen laugh.  Yeah, it can be really tough making a movie. 


  1. I am not getting the message that any of my comments are waiting for approval but this could be a duplicate...

    Love this movie, so charming. This was my introduction to Bob in comedy

  2. How could one NOT love this movie! Two beautiful stars, great supporting cast (the director almost keeps Mickey under control!), etc., etc. It screams for a sequel - will Pauline wait five years for Lucky to get out of prison? Will she still want a prison-hardened Lucky?

    A favorite of mine ... obviously.

  3. Agree, one that actually would have warranted a sequel! And if written by the right people it could have been well-done.
