Tuesday, August 10, 2021

And Which Is Your Favorite?

 Okay.  There are two photos of Bob in his "real" dress uniforms, and three in movie produced uniforms.  I consider the pilot uniform to fall under the 'dress' uniform heading, it has a mink collar after all!  So which would turn you on the most?


Hard to choose, isn't it!


  1. Real Bob in a uniform and a fireplace. What more could a girl want.

  2. I would have been one of the female soldiers getting an autograph but a lot more giggly.

    I am a sucker for the white dress uniform!

  3. Oh, dear ... I love them all. Leaning slightly for Bob in white with the Waves. Do we see a slight smirk on his face?

  4. I am a sucker for the white uniform...I would so be one of the Waves in that picture.

  5. Ditto on the autographs!
