Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Miscellaneous Non-Bob Tidbits

This lady is Elsie Janis.  I made a slight error when purchasing her photo.  I thought I was buying a photo for War Nurse (1930), but the correct movie title is Women in War (1940).  Geesch.  And I wondered why it was so cheap. 


Thumbing through a stack of stills I'd purchased in bulk, looking for a great find (i.e. a still from a Montgomery movie!),  I thought the young man at the microphone looked familiar.  

Taking a closer look ... hey, it's Joe DiMaggio.   Since Joe did not make many movies (one) ... it was easy to determine the movie's name, Manhattan Merry-Go-Round (1937).  I had to pat myself on the back with that ID.  My big brother the sports nut did good.


A challenge for you ... Johnny Mack Brown is the star of the movie Against the Law (1934).  He's the one wearing a uniform.  Who is the "real" star in the photo?  This guy was in a heck of a lot of movies.  


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