Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Fun Finds From Bulk Buys

Most often when you buy photos in bulk, you might get what you paid for.  Or you just might find that hidden treasure you are seeking.  Sharing three of my "treasures" with you. 

A double-weight photo with a matte finish that is in perfect shape is becoming a rare find, particularly when it is a still with Bob and Roz Russell from Fast and Loose (1939).  I saw it in a bulk lot of movie stills, many damaged and most from little known movies.  It was like finding a cut gem amongst river gravel. 

I enjoy autographed items.  It means that person actually made contact with the item that you are now holding.  And if the item pre-dates Covid19, then it is all good!  Harry Carey, Jr. was one of those likeable guys in mostly Western movies.  Watching him and Ben Johnson ride horses, a sheer pleasure.  A nice find. 

This is an original photo, trimmed, approx. 9x12 inches of Will Rogers.  It came with a large stack of mostly magazine articles, covers and ads from the 1900s through the 1910s.  This was the only photo with two movie ads for 1920 movies of Rogers'.  1920 would be a good guess for the photo, perhaps earlier.  Have not run across the photo anywhere, except as an illustration.  Whatever, it is a nifty photo, a fun find. 

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