Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Will Success Spoil Bob Montgomery?

Way, way back on November 1st, 2016, I posted a copy of an article titled "The Strange Case of Bob Montgomery", written by a Romney Scott in the May, 1933 issue of Picture Play.  Mr. Scott was unusually critical of our Bob, writing he had become almost unbearable since reaching star status.  Browsing a later issue of the magazine, I ran across two fan letters commenting on the article.  In the first letter, the fan is talking about Alfred Lunt in MGM's The Guardsman

In the first paragraph of this second letter, the author refers to a publicity stunt involving Bob's polo ponies.  In Scott's article, he writes the word got around that Bob "thought it wrong for a man to own a string of polo ponies when there was so much distress in the world and that he was selling his ponies and donating the proceeds to the poor." Scott then points out that Bob never sold his ponies. 

Had to look up Phillips Holmes to see what happened to him.  IMDB's bio of Mr. Holmes is worth a read, interesting and sad.  And something not sad, When Ladies Meet (1933) is available on demand on TCM through March 5th. 


  1. Had to look up Phillip's Holmes, too. I think I said that just as I read you say the same!

  2. And I'm glad that I did look him up before ending the post with some snarky comment comparing his career to Bob's. Bad form 101!
