Tuesday, October 15, 2019

What a Difference a Stamp Makes

You could look at this purchase one of two ways:  (1)  A once over-sized photo has been trimmed to approximately 8x10 inches.  How sad to vandalize such a wonderful photo.  Or,

(2)  On the back of the photo is a Hurrell stamp.  I was actually able to buy a Montgomery by Hurrell without that bank loan!  Wonderful.  Whatever, the essence of the photo is there.  Love that smile.


  1. Oh wow! Lucky you.....HURRELL!!!!!!! What a thrill!

  2. Absolutely beautiful shot and one I haven't seen before. I remember the background photos from another angle shot. Nice!

  3. I have run across the photo only one other time, saw it online some ages ago. Checked out the scan I kept and it's been trimmed as well, but it has Bob's autograph! Goodness, an autographed photo of an original Hurrell...to die for.
