Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Another Mystery Solved ... MGM Did Not Do It!

It is always great to run across a "new" photo of Bob.  The photo below is definitely not in the best shape, but still interesting, and it is Bob after all. 

Tried touching it up some.  At lease we know for sure it is an original silver gelatin print by the splotchy appearance of the slacks!  It doesn't look like your standard MGM photo.  Besides, if it were, there would probably be a lot more of them around.  MGM never thought small!  So, it was a mystery until ...

I ran across this 1938 publication of the Screen Actors Guild.  Check out the rather distinctive painting or print in the background.  Definitely a sister photo.  And it is no wonder it's not an MGM photo.  They wouldn't be sending out a photographer on behalf of SAG!