Thursday, May 17, 2018

The One That Bob Was Not Prettier Than ... ***

Maureen O'Sullivan was born on May 17th, 1911, in Boyle, County Roscommon, Ireland.  (Another one of those great name/birthplace combinations!)  She, of course, co-starred with Bob in Hide-Out (1934).  They made a great pair, her Pauline to Bob's Lucky.  It is a movie that begged for a sequel, catching up with the two when Lucky gets out of prison.  In our next lives ...

1934 was a great year for Maureen.   She made four movies; Tarzan and His Mate, The Thin Man, Hide-Out and The Barretts of Wimpole Street.  Not bad, young lady.  


*** That's open to discussion, of course...


  1. Well, she held her own with him anyway. What a beautiful couple they made! Such a beautiful girl! And yes, a Hide-Out sequel has always been a dream of mine too. (I've watched it in my head a million times.)

  2. Deb - How do you picture Lucky earning a living after his prison term? Unless you have the brother run off to the circus and have the old man keel over, there's no way that farm could support an additional adult permanently. Besides, wouldn't Lucky have to go somewhere where no one knows him so he and Pauline could get a fresh start? And it goes on and on from to think about.
