Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Please Tell Me What Happened to Monday...

I could swear yesterday was Sunday.  But now I find it's Tuesday Night.  Just what happened to Monday?!  While I try to figure that out, enjoy a favorite photo of mine.  Geesch.  


  1. A favorite of mine too! It's from "Fast and Loose". Bob and Roz seemed so comfortable with each other. She was definitely my favorite leading lady of Bob's. She must have been a blast to work with.

  2. The only time of the year where I don't losing days/time. Means winter will end sooner!

  3. Carrie - Just checked your weather. Guess you don't want to hear we had a high of 79.

    Debbie - If only William Powell had made a movie with Bob an Roz ... I can hear it running on a continual loop in your home!

  4. Kathy - You would have to stick Myrna Loy in there too. Gee, a film with all four would have been WONDERFUL!!!!! And yes, it would play endlessly at my house.
