Thursday, March 17, 2016

Obviously Bob Takes After His Mother

TCM will be showing But the Flesh is Weak (1932) this Friday at 7:15 a.m. EDT.  It is definitely worth a watch, if you have not seen it before.  Actually, it is worth a watch if you have seen it before.  It is definitely a pre-code movie.  The basic story line is about the Clements (Bob and his Dad, C. Aubrey Smith) who seek out rich women to support them.  What this implies they do for these women in return for their money, well.... 

Any movie that starts off with Bob bathing, has my definite okay.  Below, father and son prepare for an evening at the theater to check out the ladies.  That's the landlord telling Dad to pay his back rent soon or leave the apartment.  For me, that's two too many men sharing a bathroom.  (I'm just jealous, because he asks his Dad to scrub his back and not me.)

For me, the main problem of the movie is the co-star, Nora Gregor.  Being from Austria, Flesh is her first English-speaking role, a challenge for anyone.  Secondly,  she does not appear to be the woman Bob's character would fall in love with at first sight.  In the photo below, she is with the aristocratic woman Bob was pursuing only for her wealth.  To me, they look too much alike.  Bet you can't tell for sure which of the ladies is Nora. 

Flesh has a number of good lines.  Favorites ... Bob asks Nora why she didn't tell him she was in love with him.  Her response, "Because, I didn't know until you hit me!"  And, when Bob introduces Nora to his father as the woman he wants to marry, Dad advises him not to, "it's not in you to be faithful to one woman."  There is definitely a serious side to the movie, the threat of jail for gambling debts, Nora's character on the verge of poverty and so forth, not entirely a feel good movie.  But, putting everything else aside, it is definitely a great opportunity to watch the 28-year-old Bob in his prime. 

Just remembered.  Ray Milland has an uncredited role as a party guest.  Look for him at about 8'30" into the movie. 


  1. OK, I'm going to disagree with you here Kathy. To me, Bob at mid to late 30's was his prime. He was a beautiful young man in his 20's, but just as handsome in his 30's and a much more accomplished actor too. Just sayin.....

  2. I do agree that Nora Gregor is miscast. For one thing she was older than Bob (by three years, but looks like more) and looks it. I actually found Heather Thatcher more appealing, except for the stupid monocle. Bob was impishly cute in this one though.
