Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Montgomery is Still Tops (As in Always)

                              Filmgoer Magazine (Dec. 27, 1941)


  1. There's that smile again. :)

  2. I love poring over these. I generally don't get the chance to collect too many vintage mags so I love to read them this way. I can even smell the paper! thanks for this one and many more.

  3. Ahhhhh, yes, indeed. :)

  4. Kristina - Just now seeing your comment. Carrie is "in charge" of the blog, with my being almost computer illiterate it works out best that way! Anyway, do appreciate and agree with your comment, the 30s fan magazines are a great read. Wish the the American mags weren't so pricey! (Wish everything Bob wasn't so pricey...need to buy more lottery tickets.)
