Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Happy Birthday, Bob!

                        Robert Montgomery, born May 21, 1904

Yep...it's the smile, the mischief and charm. 


  1. happy birthday!!! I have Mr and Mrs Smith waiting for me on the DVR!

  2. Ah,yes...the scene where Bob attempts to injure that handsome nose with a salt shaker. He was obviously enjoying the bit, and it's a joy to watch him.

  3. I couldn't tell you how many times I've seen that scene (too many to count), but it ALWAYS makes me laugh out loud! His timing was incredible!

  4. Have you guys come across the new TCM Greatest Classic Films Collection titled Romantic Affairs to be released in June which features Mr. & Mrs. Smith? It also has My Favorite Wife, Woman of the Year and a real dog called Instant Love. Anyway, it's $15.99 at the WBShop. Always good to see his films becoming more available.
