Saturday, December 29, 2012

2012 Has Not Been One of My Better Years

I've always liked this portrait.  Bob is 36, the gorgeous young face has been replaced by one that's fuller and quite handsome.  He has begun to look a little  Anyway, I was rather excited when the following portraits came up for sale on eBay...I'd have a trio from the same photo session...even had a place chosen to display them.

Well, I won both on bids and sent off a message to the vendor asking for an invoice reflecting combined shipping.  Life was great.  But...I did not receive an updated invoice.  I followed up with numerous messages to the vendor, even contacted eBay and they sent a message as well.  I just could not get myself to put out $9.02 for shipping.  Then, after three weeks, I discovered the vendor had been removed as a seller on eBay and I was simply out of luck.  DRATS!!

This isn't the worse thing by far that happened to me this year, but normally my interest in all things Bob and classic movies in general, brings me only happiness and other good vibes.  It's just the pits when reality worms it's way into "Bob's World."  DOUBLE DRATS!!

Three days to go...


  1. oh that ducks. At least you didn't lose any cash!

  2. sucks! (darn auto correct...)

  3. "oh that ducks..." Kinda like it. Sums up 2012 really well!
