Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Rage In Heaven Coming to DVD

Props to the Warner Archive for releasing another Bob movie on DVD: Rage in Heaven. Its a bit quirky (dead kittens, full moons and all), but its also an entertaining watch after a long day.


  1. I couldn't resist ordering this right away, especially as the Archive is selling its new titles at a lower price point this week.

    But dead kittens? Oh, dear!

    Well, anything for Montgomery & Sanders!

    Best wishes,

  2. If you REALLY love Bob, you love him when he's cute AND also when he's crazy........but ALWAYS charming!

  3. And as much as they say that Bob "gave up" acting for the movie, it's still a good watch.

  4. I actually always thought Bob's flat performance only added to the creepiness. He was so good, he couldn't even screw up when he tried! lololo
