Tuesday, August 10, 2010

More Ladies Meeting

TCM likes to show both versions of When Ladies Meet (1933 vs. 1941) quite often. Which one's better? I have to vote for 1933 with Ann Harding.


  1. Ann Harding AND Robert Montgomery! For my money, ANYTHING is better with RM.

  2. I agree... I prefer the '33 version as well. That is one of those movies that is just better Pre-Code! (Plus Montgomery wins my heart every time... Love his chemistry with Loy in that film!)

  3. Although there are parts of the '41 version that I like, I think I prefer the original, too. Both drag a good deal during the last thirty or so minutes, but the rest is great. The 1933 version has my favorite of the two endings. It's not so abrupt at the remake's, but it's really sweet and you know where it's going.

  4. I've only seen the '33 version.

    I guess I have to actually watch the version w/RT to have my vote count :)

  5. I'll agree on the dragging part!
