Monday, December 07, 2009

Check It Out...

Some recent good stuff from around the Internet:

The Chester Morris Web
Another classic actor heard from on the web with this fun site on Chester. Photos, wallpaper, filmography - you name it, it's here.

Be sure you check out the Did You Know? section for tidbits like this: Chester Morris, who went for loud sweaters and occasionally hectic ties, got razzed by his friend Robert Montgomery about his tastes.

Tyrone Power Interview
Andre Soares interviews Tyrone Power researcher Maria Ciaccia in this fascinating, multi-post story on the actor.


  1. A Chester Morris website? YES!

  2. Thank you SO MUCH for the Chester Morris website link. It's such a stupendous website. I really wanted to learn more about the actor and this is the perfect opportunity to do so.

  3. Hello everyone! I am the owner of the Chester Morris website and I just saw these lovely comments! Thank you SO much! I am so happy there are people out there who have an interest in Chester and thank you Carrie for letting your readers know about my site. I appreciate it. I'm sure Mr. Montgomery would too since he and Chet were best pals! ;)

  4. Sarah - you bet!
    Thanks for the great site.
