Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Movie and a Cocktail

A somewhat bittersweet posting: Today in 1981, Robert Montgomery passed away. I'm not going to go overly fangirly here and blubber on - not my style. Instead, go take a few minutes out of your day, pop in a DVD, & watch your favorite Bob movie. I'd like to think that after all these years, he'd appreciate having not being forgotten to movie history.


  1. I have to say that I'd think about Bob's movies a lot less if it weren't for your fabulous blog. Now I find myself actively seeking out his movies on TCM. "Classic Montgomery" gives Bob the recognition he deserves.

  2. What a great idea to remember Robert Montgomery-- I think I'll watch Blondie of the Follies or Hide Out tonight!

  3. stellypippin10/02/2009 6:41 PM

    I just don't understand how Bob's pretty much forgotten today, when he was one of the kings of Hollywood.

    Bob may be gone, but certainly not forgotten. :)

  4. Hey does anybody know when we are going to get a robert montgomery biograpy? It seems like every other movie star has one. Haven't we waited long enough?

  5. I second your motion! I've heard of one potential writer on the project over the years, but he passed away.
