Tuesday, June 09, 2009

So Much Better Than Mickey...

Donald Duck. On this date in history back in 1934, he made his film debut in The Wise Little Hen. Congratulations, Donald...you rock!


  1. Which Donald cartoon had him dreaming about his hellacious married life with Daisy, where she's in curlers and has a cigarette hanging off her lip? My oh my that was funny...must've been the fifties...

  2. Shoot, that sounds familiar, but I can't think of a name. I bought "special" DVD set of Donald stuff (in a fancy metal box - oohh) a year or so back, I'll have to check.

  3. This one is one of my favorites, so sweet.

  4. stellypippin6/10/2009 2:48 PM

    Awwww, Donald! Although, I personally prefer Dippy Dog, a.k.a. Goofy - but still, woo, Donald rocks :D

  5. That Donald cartoon is called "Donald's Diary" (1954).
