Thursday, May 28, 2009

"Put on some weight and get more sex"

And now that I have your attention, Movie Morlocks has a great post from Moira Finnie on Robert Young. Read the article . . . you'll get where today's headline came from.

I just want to give a shout out to everyone for their comments on the Bob birthday & TCM marathon posts. Cliff Aliperti asked if I would have substituted anything for the marathon. I would have added Ride the Pink Horse, Another Language, and the film short Starlit Days at the Lido - I can't get over Bob in 1935 color. I ended up recording (and watching) Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Hide-Out, and The First Hundred Years for the umpteenth time. That's fine, I'm ok with that.

Useless history: On this date in 1954, Dial M For Murder opened at the Paramount Theater in NYC. Are you for good or evil Ray Milland?

And finally, I neglected to post on May 26 for the birthday for another of my favorites: John Dall. And no, I really don't think he looks like Ben Affleck - unless you squint at the right angle for a long, long time.


  1. Ray, eh? I like him sinister and evil. Something about his eyes. Not as bad as Nicholson though. I mean, could you see Jack in something like Father Knows Best, nope. I loved him in The Major and the Minor and the first movie I saw with him was Charlie Chan in London, dubbed in German. Figure that out.

  2. I guess I like my Milland with a few drinks in him, but I don't think he's either good or evil in The Lost Weekend.

    Thanks for the mention! Don't believe I've seen any of the ones you would have liked, but I also DVRed the same three as you plus The Last of Mrs. Cheyney. Have only gotten to First Hundred Years and Hide-Out yet, was surprised to have realized I had seen Hide-Out before.

    Thanks, Cliff

  3. stellypippin5/30/2009 7:33 PM

    John Dall DOES NOT look like Ben Affleck - ugh, hate that comparison, lol

  4. Tracy & Cliff: I'd love to get a copy of 'Alias Nick Beal.' Ray as the devil...hmm.

    Stelly: I have one photo (watermarked though) that has a very small resemblance. Sounds like a future blog post!
