Sunday, September 21, 2008

Semiannual Movie Collectibles Show Post

It's Sunday, it's September. That must mean it's time for my semiannual pilgrimage to the local movie collectibles show - always guaranteed to be an adventure!
  • You can still buy things for a whole lot cheaper than on ebay.
  • Porn can still be found intermixed with 1930s MGM star photos.
  • Sorry, I can't beat the hearse in the parking lot with the skull on the grill - my 1932 Cadillac is "in the shop."
  • "Oh, you like old stuff" was heard uttered from one dealer - to me.
  • Bought a 1960 book titled Vanity Fair, A Cavalcade of the 1920s and 1930s for cheaper than a gallon of gas.
  • The air conditioning wasn't working in the hall and the beer and bowling smell remained (does bowling have a smell?).
  • Picked up a few more pieces to grace future Photo Friday posts: Joseph Cotten, Ray Milland, guys with the first name of Robert.


  1. Gee I wanted to go! :(
    First I think DK below looks better in black and white-don't they look so different in color?

    So you found some goodies! I always come back like I won a prize or something. Yeah bowling has a smell.
    Ball oil or whatever that stuff is, smoke, beer, greasy burgers-eau de bowl.

    If anyone has any record of Bob's in Dallas please let me know now before I leave. Thx

  2. If you show up for one of the shows, I'll buy you a beer and a game (or two) of bowling!

    I posted the WML photo for its "shock value." Seeing someone in color after B&W can be a "whoah" moment! Bennett w/brown glasses, DK redhead...
