Thursday, August 14, 2008

Petticoat Fever

IMO, the period of 1934 through the time of Robert Montgomery's war service produced some of the more entertaining films from his library. 1936's Petticoat Fever is just one of them:

Just an aside, it's interesting that they use "Bob" instead of "Robert" in the trailer.


  1. He looks so sweet in this one. I wonder why he didn't do more with Myrna. I guess maybe because she was such a gas with Bill Powell? I really enjoyed this one, although it isn't on much.

  2. I love the beginning of the trailer where they are just smiling at the camera. :)

  3. Agreed - a few move films w/Myrna would have been fun, that's for sure.

    Maria - I noticed that too. I wonder if that was part of a screen test or some misc footage used for something else. Needs sound!
