Saturday, January 03, 2009

Happy Birthday, Reggie

Ray, we're still looking for a photo of that tattoo of yours . . . until then, picspam!

Are Husbands Necessary? - No comment :)

Easy Living - It should be in your film collection. Buy it on DVD and watch for my fav. scenes: the Autotmat and the bath.

The Major and the Minor - Fun movie, but the whole "little girl" thing creeps me out. Do check M/M out on DVD.

Say it in French - Haven't been able to find this one yet

Arise My Love - The accompanying radio version of this story is worth a listen as well.

Arise My Love, x 2 - I just adore the photography. It's either the work of a large fan or they hoisted Ray & Claudette up by their ankles.


  1. RE: The Major and The Minor: If you look at it too hard it's creepy, but I tend to watch the movie for what it is: a romantic comedy of mixed identities. Rather akin to a Shakespeare play.

  2. Blissful sigh...Ray is one of my faves. :)

    There are movies here I've never seen, such as ARISE, MY LOVE. They look great.

    Best wishes,

  3. Happy birthay to Ray - definitely one of my favorite boys!

    I looooove the publicity shots for Arise My Love - so romantic!

  4. Evangeline: Agreed - I get over it pretty quick each time I watch :)

  5. I love Ray, and especially adore him with Claudette Colbert. THE GILDED LILY is the one I've seen with them together.

  6. Ms. Maiden: Thanks for stopping by - I need to check out your blogs! "Skylark" is another of their pairings I need to find one of these days.

  7. Could you give me a hint where I can find the radio version of "Arise, my Love"? I am looking all over for it...

  8. Birdy - drop me an email: carrie at clasicmontgomery dot com. I've got it in MP3.
