Tuesday, May 29, 2007

George, Gracie & Bob - Radio Style

Gracie Allen gets all melty over Robert Montgomery, while George Burns carries on in this episode of The Burns & Allen Show from April 7, 1949. There's some seriously funny lines in of this show...

MP3 - 7 MB

A special thanks to Bantaskin for digging this one up!


  1. Okay, now this is fantastic!! Totally enjoyed it - thanks :D

  2. I could not get this to play and finally figured out that I did not have Quicktime installed on my Mac. Listened to it yesterday and found it fun. I think I will write my own script now. :)

  3. I'm looking for a Suspense episode. It aired in 1948 (the week after In a Lonely Place aired starring RM). The episode is called Nightmare and was written by William Irish. Anyone have a copy of it? I'm not sure who the star was..

  4. Steve-O: Here's a link to download that episode:


  5. That was so silly! And Bob speaking French 😘
