Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Radio Style - The Lodger

Curl up with this murderous Suspense feature - the December 14, 1944 version of The Lodger. Robert Montgomery is back to work after his service in the Navy, playing both the lodger and the storyteller.

30 Minutes - 7 MB

The story may sound familiar to you - it was one of Alfred Hitchcock's first films. In 1948, Suspense hauled Bob back in front of the microphone to play the lodger again for an hour-long version. More to come...


  1. Ooh. All the way in 1948? Neat. I liked this movie. Thanks!

  2. Thanks again - I check this blog every day for these radio shows!

  3. You're welcome, guys!

    Sadly, I only have a few left to post - then I really need to dig around & see if other shows are lost or what.

  4. This was great fun--Bob's loons are the best. Thanks again for all these shows!
