Saturday, December 29, 2007

New Year's Wishes

No matter how you ring in the new year, please have a safe & healthy 2008!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Hide-Out Here

I know 1934's Hide-Out has a bunch of fans - whenever it's on TCM I can see the traffic come to the site. Anyway, here's a clip from the film, courtesy of Maureen O'Sullivan, or at least her modern-day, Web 2.0 MySpace spirit.

Life vs. Sins

I never thought I'd say It's a Wonderful Life and The Sins of the Children in the same breath.

Last week, Movie Morlocks posted an interesting comparison of the two films, noting before IAWL, "...there was another terrifically sentimental family drama which featured many of the same elements: a growing town’s building and loan, missing money, a mortgage come due, immigrants, a Christmas Eve setting, and a father that sacrifices his pursuit of financial success for others..."


Sins is far from one of my favorite Bob films, but oddly enough, it is one of his few films on DVD.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Guide to the Difference Between George and Robert

It has come to the attention of this blogger that some folks are getting George Montgomery and Robert Montgomery confused. So, in a public service effort to help, below are some key facts to consider when asking yourself "George or Robert?"

Bob - Blue
George - Brown

Bob - Elizabeth Allen, Buffy Harkness
George - Dinah Shore

Television Show
Bob - Robert Montgomery Presents
George - Cimarron City

Bob - Elizabeth (famous)
George - Melissa (not so famous)

Military Service
Bob - Naval Reserve
George - Army Air Corps

Woodworking Skills
Bob - None that I'm aware of
George - Master craftsman

Bob - Polo
George - Cowboy

Attempted Murders
Bob - Late 1930s: Bomb found in a Screen Actors Guild car he was in
George - 1963: Fangirly housekeeper tries to kill him

Walk of Fame Stars
Bob - 2 (TV & Film)
George - 1 (TV)

Pop quiz: can you tell who's who below?



Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Random Thoughts

For you noir fans out there, a new book on Raymond Chandler is out titled The Long Embrace: Raymond Chandler and the Woman He Loved by Judith Freeman. Read a brief interview with the author. If you get the chance to read this one, do drop me a comment & let me know what you thought.

Another new book that may make it to the library list is Hollywood's Censor: Joseph L. Breen and the Production Code Administration. From TCM's review: "...Breen strove to protect innocent souls from the temptations beckoning from the motion picture screen." I guess I missed that boat.

The actor who played Alfred the janitor in the original Miracle on 34th Street, Alvin Greenmann recently played a part in a radio update to the story. When asked in an interview about watching the film these days, Alvin noted, "I really can't watch it anymore," he says with a laugh. "I mean, you know, that's asking a lot."

And a last minute gift idea for that special someone - an autographed photo of Karolyn Grimes. Karolyn played Zuzu in It's a Wonderful Life. Now that would be a conversation piece for your cube at work.

And I'll leave you on this totally useless note. PBS had a special on the other night about the rise and fall Rat Pack. Being a fan of old-school Vegas I took the bait & watched it. I have come to the conclusion that Frank Sinatra scares me.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Photo Friday - War Nurse

In the middle of the war, the aviators & nurses find time for a night on the town somewhere in France.

Larger photo

I love the character names in this film: Babs, Wally, Kansas, Joy, Cushie...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

My Favorite Wife - Radio Style

Today's radio feature is the Gulf Screen Guild Theater's version of My Favorite Wife, presented March 23, 1941. Instead of Cary Grant, we get Bob Montgomery as Nick Arden (I'm fine with the substitution...), Irene Dunne as Ellen Arden, and Franklin Pangborn as the hilarious hotel clerk. Interesting how the clerk gets more microphone time than Stephen Burkett's character.

The audio is a bit slow and makes the voices sound odd, but you still get the story with no problems.

30 Min. - 6.9 MB MP3

And make sure you stick around to the end. Nick Arden gets out his Santa suit...

Friday, December 07, 2007

Photo Friday: Pearl Harbor Day

Photo Friday takes a bit of a break today to honor those who lost their lives on December 7, 1941.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Alka-Seltzer & Unfinished Business

Continuing the video theme this week, today's post is a clip from 1941's Unfinished Business. Here we're treated to a hung-over, disheveled, newlywed Bob, his wife, Irene Dunne, and a way too unappreciated Eugene Pallette. And yes, there will be a quiz on Spanish movie lines after the film.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Smith Powehouse

Love the music, love the editing...

From YouTube: The video is dedicated to the brilliance of Carole Lombard, one of the funniest ladies to ever live, and Robert Montgomery. The music is the 1937 "Powerhouse" by Raymond Scott.